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On Photography - Susan Sontag - cover
On Photography - Susan Sontag - cover
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On Photography
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14,72 €
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On Photography - Susan Sontag - cover


Susan Sontag's On Photography is a seminal and groundbreaking work on the subject. Susan Sontag's groundbreaking critique of photography asks forceful questions about the moral and aesthetic issues surrounding this art form. Photographs are everywhere, and the 'insatiability of the photographing eye' has profoundly altered our relationship with the world. Photographs have the power to shock, idealize or seduce, they create a sense of nostalgia and act as a memorial, and they can be used as evidence against us or to identify us. In these six incisive essays, Sontag examines the ways in which we use these omnipresent images to manufacture a sense of reality and authority in our lives. 'Sontag offers enough food for thought to satisfy the most intellectual of appetites'The Times 'A brilliant analysis of the profound changes photographic images have made in our way of looking at the world, and at ourselves'Washington Post 'The most original and illuminating study of the subject'New Yorker One of America's best-known and most admired writers, Susan Sontag was also a leading commentator on contemporary culture until her death in December 2004. Her books include four novels and numerous works of non-fiction, among them Regarding the Pain of Others, On Photography, Illness as Metaphor, At the Same Time, Against Interpretation and Other Essays and Reborn: Early Diaries 1947-1963, all of which are published by Penguin. A further eight books, including the collections of essays Under the Sign of Saturn and Where the Stress Falls, and the novels The Volcano Lover and The Benefactor, are available from Penguin Modern Classics.
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Penguin Modern Classics
Paperback / softback
224 p.
Testo in English
181 x 111 mm
166 gr.

Conosci l'autore

Susan Sontag

1933, New York

Scrittrice statunitense. Dopo un iter di studi in filosofia presso le università di Berkeley e Chicago, S. si laureò in letteratura inglese alla Harvard university nel 1954. Proseguì poi la propria formazione in Europa (università di Oxford, 1957; Parigi, 1957-58). Nel 1959 si stabilì a New York, muovendo i primi passe in una carriera di saggista free lance. Per un breve periodo di tempo diresse la rivista Commentary. Dopo aver insegnato letteratura e filosofia in diverse università americane, si dedicò completamente, anche grazie alle possibilità datele da varie, prestigiose borse di studio (Guggenheim, Rockefeller), all'attività di ricerca in proprio.Il pensiero di Sontag crea ponti fra la cultura filosofica e letteraria...


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