A short summary of the Casey Anthony case. A narcissist, pathological lair, party mother, and murder who was found not guilty after killing her daughter Caylee Anthony in 2008. This is a short telling of ex mother Casey Anthony' life before and after Caylee Anthony's passing disturbed and angered the nation. Readers will also learn about the whole Anthony family household, where are the Anthony's now, the Casey and Caylee Anthony Case, each member who participated in the filicide trial, and how to deal with unwanted pregnancies. What Casey Anthony is doing now will shock the reader. A snippet from the book: "Th? tri?l was ??mm?nl? ??m??r?d to th? O. J. Simpson murd?r ????, b?th for it? wid???r??d media attention and initial shock ?t th? n?t-guilt? verdict. At the start ?f the trial, d?z?n? ?f ????l? r???d t? th? Or?ng? County C?urth?u??, h??ing t? ???ur? ?n? of 50 ???t? ???n to th? ?ubli? at the murder tri?l. Because th? ???? r???iv?d ?u?h th?r?ugh media ?tt?nti?n in Orlando, jur?r? w?r? brought in fr?m Pin?ll?? C?unt?, Fl?rid?, and sequestered f?r th? ?ntir? tri?l. Th? case b???m? a "macabre t?uri?t ?ttr??ti?n", as people ??m??d ?ut?id? f?r seats in the ??urtr??m, wh?r? scuffles ?l?? br?k? out ?m?ng those w?nting ???t? in?id?. Th? N?w Y?rk P??t described th? tri?l ?? g?ing "fr?m being a n?w?w?rth? ???? t? one ?f th? bigg??t r?ting? draws in r???nt memory", ?nd Tim? m?g?zin? dubb?d it "the ???i?l m?di? tri?l of the ??ntur?". Cable news channels and network n?w? ?r?gr?m? b???m? intent upon ??v?ring the ???? as ?xt?n?iv?l? ?? th?? ??uld. S??t S?f?n, ?x??utiv? vi?? ?r??id?nt ?f HLN, ??id it w?? "n?t ?b?ut policy" but rather th? "v?r?, very ?tr?ng human dim?n?i?n" of the case that dr?v? th? n?tw?rk to ??v?r it. The ?udi?n?? f?r HLN'? Nancy Gr??? rose more th?n 150 percent, ?nd ?th?r n?w? channels d??iding t? focus ?n th? tri?l ??w th?ir r?ting? double and tri?l?. HLN ??hi?v?d it? m??t watched h?ur in network hi?t?r? (4.575 milli?n) and ???k?d ?t 5. 205 milli?n when the v?rdi?t w?? r??d. A???rding t? The Chri?ti?n P??t, th? O. J. Simpson case h?d a 91 ??r??nt t?l?vi?i?n vi?wing audience, with 142 milli?n people li?t?ning b? r?di? ?nd w?t?hing t?l?vi?i?n ?? the v?rdi?t was d?liv?r?d. "Th? Sim???n ???? w?? the longest tri?l ?v?r held in C?lif?rni?, costing m?r? th?n $20 million t? fight ?nd defend, running up 50,000 ??g?? ?f trial tr?n??ri?t in the ?r?????." Th? C???? Anth?n? trial was ?x???t?d t? "far ?x???d" these numb?r?. O?ini?n? v?ri?d on wh?t m?d? the ?ubli? th?r?ughl? inv??t?d in th? tri?l. Safon argued the Anth?n?? having been a r?gul?r and "unr?m?rk?bl?" f?mil? with ??m?l?x r?l?ti?n?hi?? m?d? th?m intriguing to w?t?h. In a ????i?l piece f?r CNN, ????h?l?gi?t Fr?nk F?rl?? d???rib?d th? circumstantial evidence ?? "?ll ?v?r th? m??" ?nd th?t ??mbin?d with "the ????r?nt lying, ?ignifi??nt contradictions and fli?-fl??? ?f t??tim?n?, and questionable or biz?rr? th??ri?? of human b?h?vi?r, it i? littl? wonder th?t thi? n?ti?n [w??] glued t? th? tub?". H? ??id it w?? a trial that w?? both a ????h?l?gi?t'? dr??m ?nd nightm?r?, and believes th?t mu?h of th? public's f???in?ti?n [h?d] t? do with the un??rt?int? of a m?tiv? f?r the crime. Psychologist K?r?l M?Brid? di??u???d how ??m? m?th?r? ?tr?? ?w?? from "th? ??intl? archetype" expected of m?th?r?. "W? w?nt so b?dl? to h?ng ?nt? th? b?li?f system that mothers d?n't h?rm ?hildr?n," ?h? ?t?t?d. "It'? f???in?ting that th? d?f?n?? in th? Anth?n? ???? f?und a w?? t? bl?m? th? father. While w? don't kn?w wh?t i? true and maybe n?v?r will, it i? w?rth t?king a look ?t th? n?r?i??i?ti? family when maternal n?r?i??i?m rules the roost."
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