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Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0 - Lawrence Lessig - cover
Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0 - Lawrence Lessig - cover
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Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0
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Code: And Other Laws of Cyberspace, Version 2.0 - Lawrence Lessig - cover

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There's a common belief that cyberspace cannot be regulated-that it is, in its very essence, immune from the government's (or anyone else's) control. Code , first published in 2000, argues that this belief is wrong. It is not in the nature of cyberspace to be unregulable cyberspace has no nature." It only has code-the software and hardware that make cyberspace what it is. That code can create a place of freedom-as the original architecture of the Net did-or a place of oppressive control. Under the influence of commerce, cyberspace is becoming a highly regulable space, where behaviour is much more tightly controlled than in real space. But that's not inevitable either. We can-we must-choose what kind of cyberspace we want and what freedoms we will guarantee. These choices are all about architecture: about what kind of code will govern cyberspace, and who will control it. In this realm, code is the most significant form of law, and it is up to lawyers, policymakers, and especially citizens to decide what values that code embodies. Since its original publication, this seminal book has earned the status of a minor classic. This second edition, or Version 2.0, has been prepared through the author's wiki, a web site that allows readers to edit the text, making this the first reader-edited revision of a popular book.
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Paperback / softback
432 p.
Testo in English
234 x 156 mm
554 gr.

Conosci l'autore

Lawrence Lessig

Lawrence Lessig professore di giurisprudenza e John A. Wilson Distinguished Faculty Scholar presso la Stanford Law School, è il fondatore dello Stanford Center for Internet and Society ed è presidente di Creative Commons ( Inoltre, è membro del direttivo della Public Library of Science, della Electronic Frontier Foundation, della Free Software Foundation e di Public Knowledge. È stato incluso per due volte nell'elenco degli " 25” di "BusinessWeek” e dei "50 visionari” di "Scientific American”. Ha scritto Cultura libera (Apogeo 2005); Code, and Other Laws of Cyberspace (Basic Books 1999).


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