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Dog and Cat Run In and Out
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Dog and Cat Run In and Out - Peter Evans - ebook

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Dog and Cat Run In and Out

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In Dog and Cat Run In and Out, Dog and Cat find themselves running and being in and out of a tunnel and a box. Dog Books Early Readers have been written by a teacher with 27 years experience helping children in elementary and middle school learn to read. Dog Books are grouped into sets based on selected words that are essential for young readers to gain the skills and confidence to read. Each book uses a core group of words that are repeated throughout the book in simple one sentence per page layouts. Any new nouns that are used in each book are given icon picture clues below the word in the sentence. The words from each book are revisited in a new story concept in follow-up books so that children gradually gain the confidence in word recognition that is required for fluency and meaning. In this way, young readers will begin to discover phonic patterns between words, which will enhance their already growing sight word vocabulary. Each 30-page story is simple enough to encourage successful completion of the whole book either in one or several sittings, which will boost reading confidence and encourage the young reader to try the next story to show their newly gained reading skills. The illustrations are basic so as to provide visual clues for the text without being so busy as to distract the young reader from decoding the text. As they are reading, young readers may notice that more complex words could be used. For example, if there is a picture of a bird flying up to a tree, the text may say, 'The bird can go up to the tree' where 'fly' would be more accurate than 'go'. Acknowledge this discovery, but point out that the word in the text is 'go' and possibly encourage them to write their own version of the sentence with the more complex word. Once a book is completed, the young reader should be encouraged to share their success by reading it to friends and family. Each 10 book set covers a reading level: Pre-K, Kindergarden, Year 1, Year 2, Year 3. The core words are drawn from traditional, leveled sight word lists, with some notable noun and verb additions that are relevant for 21st-century early readers. One simple sentence per page with limited punctuation Basic sight words start with mainly two and three letter words that can be sounded out. New words are added gradually, book by book, set by set. Words are repeated within each book and revisited in later books. New nouns are supplemented with an icon picture clue below the word. Non-distracting illustrations to aid with text meaning New story characters are gradually added throughout each story to maintain interest and widen the opportunity for exposing readers to new words in a narrative context. Dog Book Early Readers are designed to be read in portrait orientation.
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