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Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma - cover
Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma - cover
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Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
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15,43 €
-5% 16,24 €
15,43 € 16,24 € -5%
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Spedizione Gratis
-5% 16,24 € 15,43 €
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Family Wisdom from the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari - Robin Sharma - cover


An absorbing, insightful story from Robin Sharma, bestselling author and internationally-renowned life coach, which unfolds the secrets to living a loving, successful and fulfilled life. Catherine, a top businesswoman with a young family, is the sister of Julian Mantle, the Monk Who Sold His Ferrari. After being involved in a life-threatening accident, Catherine realises that, regardless of how high she has risen in the business world - and of her achievements and accolades - her family is the most important thing in her life. Through a series of conversations with her brother, Catherine learns how to reset the focus of her life onto her family - and how living with that culture engenders business success too. Catherine's story takes us on a journey towards being an individual who leads a meaningful life; a stable, reliable and a loving centre around which family and friends revolve. Through her eyes, you'll learn: The importance of setting goals in life for ourselves and our children How to form bonds of trust with our loved ones The value of truly nourishing our relationships How to slow down in life and value our time How to live positively and truthfully every day This is a charming and inspiring tale about the positive effect that one individual can have on the lives of everyone around them.
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Paperback / softback
272 p.
Testo in English
216 x 135 mm
250 gr.

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