Authors are leaders in their field, Musikanski is the Executive Director of the Happiness Alliance, Rhonda Phillips is Dean of Purdue Honors College Jean Crowder is a consultant and former federal politician Phillips and Rhonda are directors of the Happiness Alliance, a nonprofit that provides tools, resources and knowledge to policy makers and communities This "happy trio" of authors are all extremely accomplished women with extensive experience at the national and international level of policy development and renowned academics This book is an integral part of the Happiness Alliance Project Over 270 years ago, Thomas Jefferson said, "The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness" - this book is a guide that shows government and institutions how to do this Provides step-by-step action plans for integrating happiness into organizations Contains practical action plans and implementation strategies Tools can be adopted and adapted alongside existing policies Explains the process of change Provides guidance for policy makers seeking ways to utilize happiness information Written in two sections First section is an orientation to the history of happiness in public policy Includes menu of happiness policies and model laws and projects Key implementable lessons, practical tips, terminology, how to overcome obstacles and a set of criteria for deciding when it would be wise to implement a happiness policy Second section is comprised of action plans Includes model proclamation used by city councils, mayors and legislatures community engagement forums practical advice for social media how to convene a happiness council how to measure happiness including a scientifically valid happiness measurement instrument used by governments worldwide how to use data how to sample populations happiness policy screening tool modeled after the Government of Bhutan's Gross National Happiness Policy Regional interest: Seattle (WA), Santa Fe (NM), Vermont, Ann Arbour (MI), Eau Claire (WI), Warrensbury (MO), Nevada City (CA), Santa Monica (CA) Canada: Creston District, Valleyview AB, Edmonton, Province of AB, Waterloo, Victoria Jean Crowder is former member of parliament for Nanaimo B.C. Federation of BC Municipalities, Federation of Community of Municipalities, Vancouver Island Coastal MUnicipalities - all regions have annual conferences. Regional Interest — BC, University of Victoria, Simon Fraser University, Creston District, City of Victoria Alberta — University of Alberta, Valleyview, Edmonton, Province of Alberta Ontario — University of Waterloo Audience: Policy makers, high level government officials, community organizers, community activists, professors and students of social and well-being policy, economics, psychology and other related disciplines International: Can be used to assist global policy makers to take a leadership role bringing a focus on happiness Incheon and Seoul - South Korea, Siena - Italy, Madrid and Pamplona - Spain There is an increasing global interest in happiness policy All three authors have worked and are well known at international level of happiness policy and development The Happiness Alliance has developed a happiness measurement tool that is used by local and national governments world wide Laura Musikanski was an invited participant at the 2012 United Nations High-Level Meeting Well-being and Happiness meeting, the 2017 and 2018 Dialogue for Happiness and the 5 th and 6 th OECD World Forums Statistics, Knowledge and Policy meetings Rhonda Phillips is a three time Fullbright Scholar recipient and studied in Panama for 2 years and Ulster Ireland for one year Jean Crowder as a federal member of parliament for the New Democratic Party in Canada for 11 years until her retirement from politics. They will be promoting the book through on-line workshops Prominent endorsers include: Ban Ki-Moon, Princess Laurentian of the Netherlands, Kar
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