For AQA, OCR, and Edexcel, New and Old courses! Unit/Course/Specification codes: 7061, 7062, 2060, 7171, 7172, 2175, H172, H572, H173, H573, 8RS01, 9RS01, 8RS0, 9RS0 and many more! "This is such a useful book for all students of A level Religious Studies, Philosophy and Ethics. The style is student friendly and accessible, and the author brings to it his experience as a teacher and examiner. The highly practical approach is exactly what students need to negotiate the minefield of exam preparation and practice equipped with straightforward, realistic advice." Sarah K Tyler From the author: This is about 100 pages of the most golden essay hacking tips you will ever find. It has also been written with Neurolinguistic programming, self-hypnosis and neurology in mind and it represents the result of decades of study. It is a journey that will last a couple of hours but stay with you forever. It will mean that you can hack any essay, forever. I really am giving out “secret” tricks and information that hacks the system so please use it responsibly. To be top mark or an A* student, you’ve got to be excellent and that starts with you reading this book from start to finish (not necessarily in one go, you can go to the toilet, sleep and stuff); you can do it! There are some bits you could miss out, but on the whole, it’s a complete system that needs to be read as a whole. If you can do that, read it all, follow what it says, and practice, you will do excellently at any academic essay or A-level! It’s not your usual book, it’s not your usual system, but it will work. They tried to stop me publishing it, that’s how good it is! For non-A-level students, and for A-level students of other subjects, you’re smart enough to know when to read your own requirements when I use a word that doesn’t apply to you. So you know when it’s A+ instead of A*, when it's politics or history instead of religious studies or whatever. For teachers, this book is vital reading and can help you hack essays and exams as much as your students. Good luck, enjoy it, keep with it, and welcome to a secret guide or “hack” to exam success! About the Author: Andrew Yiallouros is an educationalist, creative and chef and has been working in education since 2007. He mixes his many interests and experiences with his lessons and schemes of work and these have been called outstanding by his peers and Ofsted. He is an innovator and activist and is dedicated to bringing an education to all. See “”” From “Hi Andrew, I just wanted to say thank-you for having brought some much-needed inspiration to COLA-I this year…Best wishes, C" "I got 80% in my politics, that is because you helped me a lot, thanks a lot!" A "Please don't leave you're everyone's favourite teacher, you make learning fun"… "you taught me life has a meaning..." “I basically wanted just to thank you sir for being such a good teacher, we all miss your lessons here.” “Hi, I got all A*s! Thank you so much for your tuition and I would recommend you to anyone...” "I got my results yesterday and everything went better than expected, I got 100 UMS for both Philosophy and Ethics!" T "Andrew Yiallouros tutored my son in his first year at Sussex University in International Relations. His Attitude was professional, his time-keeping was good, his grasp of the subject strong and he was a warm and effective tutor, friendly as well as efficient. I would recommend him as a personal tutor or teacher." Philippa Gregory (Author)
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