Copyright © L.M. Brown 2014. All Rights Reserved, Total-E-Ntwined Limited, T/A Totally Bound Publishing. Zakrynious tapped his foot impatiently as he waited for his turn to appear before the elders of his people. The queue to the transformation chamber—the only one on the entire planet of Trimmeron—stretched as far as the eye could see. He’d been standing there for hours and he still couldn’t see the doorway at the front of the queue. At least this would probably be the last time he’d have to go through the ritual of transformation. Then again, he’d thought that before. “What are you hoping for, Zak?” Strathryn, the young Camyl’on directly ahead of him, asked. Zak hadn’t met him before today, but they’d been waiting so long Zak felt as though they were old friends. “I want to see what life’s like on Marinatia.” Zak laughed loudly, prompting a few glares and admonishments from the others in the queue. “Rather you than me.” “What’s wrong with Marinatia?” Zak shook his head. “Everyone who goes there comes back smelling of fish. Once you’ve turned mer, there’s no way to ever get rid of the stink.” Strathryn snorted back his laughter as the line moved on a few more inches. Zak had not expected this latest transformation. Already close to maturity when he’d last been brought before the elders, it had been something of a shock to find himself back here once again. He had frequently wondered during the last few days what he would end up as this time. He could discount his own race and those he had already changed into during his puberty, but there were still incalculable possibilities. As one of a race of chameleon-like beings, each of their kind took on several new appearances during their years of puberty up until adulthood. They remained in their new guises until whatever powers causing the transformations determined them ready to change again. Zak had spent his last transformation on the icy mountains of Gr’chn and although he had enjoyed his time amongst the hospitable mountain people, he had been eager to rid himself of the coarse, furry hide they had developed so as to more easily endure the harsh climate. He much preferred his own softer furred body. When Zak had reverted back to his natural state on the previous world, he had expected to have full control over his body and the ability to change appearance at will. When he’d realised he didn’t, he had rushed to catch the next spacecraft back to Trimmeron so he could take the potion the elders provided to trigger and ease the next transformation. Luckily Gr’chn was an Alliance world and the locals didn’t think anything of the fact that he was suddenly a different species. He had once asked his father why they had to go through with the transformations. His father had told him the story of one of their youths who had refused to drink the potion to trigger the change to a new form. The transition had come anyway, and had been extremely painful for the youth, so much so that he’d had to be cared for by their healers for several days afterwards. The healers were still working on a way for their healing waters to help anyone else who dug their heels in about taking the potion. Unfortunately, the transformation ritual was shrouded in secrecy and the elders refused to reveal the contents of the potion to anyone. Without the knowledge of the ingredients, the healers were working blindly as they searched for answers. Finally, after another two hours of waiting, Zak reached the doorway. At least now he could watch those transforming before him, which would help to pass the time. Zak could see his parents, Aristania and Cor’shi, sitting in the chamber along with family members of some of the other youngsters. He gave them a small wave and they looked back at him proudly. He had barely seen them for more than a few days together since his first transformation. Suc
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