THIS IS BOOK 1 IN AN 4-PART EPISODIC SERIES. Each audio book completes a story arc, but it includes a series cliffhanger that connects Books 1-4. IN BOOK 1 OF THE TOTLANDIA SERIES: The Pacific Heights Moms & Tots Club is the most exclusive children’s playgroup in all of San Francisco. For the city’s ultra-competitive elite, the club’s ten annual spots are the ultimate parenting prize. But not everyone is PHM&TC material. The club’s founder, Bettina Connaught Cross, adheres to strict membership rules: Moms only. No single parents or working mothers are allowed. Membership is an arduous commitment. And there’s no room in the club for scandal, bad behavior, or imperfection…from tots or their moms. In a world of power and prestige, no one has more than Bettina. And as every mom in Pacific Heights knows, you simply cannot cross her. But this year’s admissions process is more rigorous than ever, pitting prospective members against each other to prove their mettle. But four of the six candidates vying for the remaining four slots have a secret that would knock them out of the running. - Jade is a former stripper and porn actress, who has been absent for most of her son’s life. - Jillian’s husband cleaned out their joint accounts and left her for his pregnant assistant. - Ally never even had a husband—just a sperm donor—and she’s hiding a high-ranking corporate job. - And Lorna fears that her son may have special needs… just the excuse her sister-in-law, Bettina, needs to deny her entry to the club. Can these hopeful moms keep up appearances long enough to outlast the competition? Or will their chances—and their private lives—go up in flames? Friendship. Lies. Seduction. Betrayal. Welcome to Totlandia. “I love a good mommy sendup as much as the next gal, and this peek into the ridiculousness of the San Francisco upper crust is delightful. Whether or not you've ever had the pleasure (or pain) of joining a playgroup, Brown's tale is as charming as it is cringe-worthy. I laughed, I winced, I kept scrolling.” —Romantic Times “With affairs, pending divorces, secret jobs, and unsavory pasts, each wannabe member hides something that could blow her chances for good. Like the characters in reality shows such as “Dance Moms,” the women in Pacific Heights might be over-the-top, but in the end, the best interests of their kids are (almost) always at heart. Laugh-out-loud funny and sometimes touching, the Totlandia novellas serve as the perfect quick read for busy moms or anyone looking to escape with some gossipy fun.” — “Josie Brown writes Totlandia with her usual storytelling flair. The dialogue is smooth and flowing. The characters are easy to side with or become angry with, depending on each situation. The scenery is easy to visualize. And we mustn't forget all the sex (blushworthy, at that) and scandal that is a staple of a true Josie Brown novel. It shows that there are mothers who are human and sometimes screw up even with the best intentions at hand. It's like a soap opera for mommies. Guilty pleasure, anyone?” —Melissa Amster, “This book is wonderfully written and has more than just drama. There are touching moments, parts that made me laugh out loud, I felt like I was reading a television show!” —Divine Secrets of a Domestic Goddess “Totlandia by Josie Brown was just a real joy to read. Right away, Brown hooks readers and she doesn’t let go till the last page. I got so involved in each character’s story and was right alongside them cheering for them and feeling all the emotions alongside them. I loved the characters, the balance of funny and serious moments, and just the wacky story. I cannot wait to see what is next in the series!” —The Book CellarX Read less
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