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Holding Up the Universe - Jennifer Niven - ebook
Holding Up the Universe - Jennifer Niven - ebook
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Holding Up the Universe
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Holding Up the Universe - Jennifer Niven - ebook

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From the author of the New York Times bestseller All the Bright Places comes a heart-wrenching story about what it means to see someone - and love someone - for who they truly are. Everyone thinks they know Libby Strout. I know the part I want to play here at MVB High. I want to be the girl who can do anything. Once dubbed 'America's Fattest Teen', she is only seen for her weight. Not the girl underneath. Since her mum's death she's been picking up the pieces in private, alone with her heartbroken father. But now, Libby is ready. She's ready for high school, for new friends, for love and for every possibility life has to offer. Everyone thinks they know Jack Masselin too. Be charming. Be hilarious. Don't get too close to anyone. Yes, he's got swagger, but he's also mastered the art of fitting in. What no one knows is that Jack has a secret: he can't recognize faces. Even his own brothers are strangers to him. He's the guy who can re-engineer and rebuild anything, but he can't understand what's going on with the inner workings of his own brain. When Jack and Libby meet, they discover that the more time they spend together, the less alone they feel. Praise for All the Bright Places: 'If you're looking for the next The Fault in Our Stars - this is it' Guardian '[A] heartbreaking love story about two funny, fragile, and wildly damaged high school kids' Entertainment Weekly 'A do-not-miss for fans of Eleanor & Park and The Fault in Our Stars, and basically anyone who can breathe' Justine Magazine 'At the heart - a big one - of All the Bright Places lies a charming love story about this unlikely and endearing pair of broken teenagers' The New York Times Book Review
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Conosci l'autore

Jennifer Niven


Jennifer Niven è nata negli Stati Uniti nel 1968 e scrive storie fin da quando era bambina. Vive a Los Angeles, dove il suo film Velva Jean Learns to Drive ha vinto un Emmy Award, e, oltre ai progetti legati alla scrittura, gestisce la web magazine per ragazzi Germ. Ama i popcorn, i rossetti, le librerie, i girasoli, i viaggi in macchina, il sushi e la serie tv Supernatural. Il suo libro Prigionieri dei ghiacci (Piemme, 2001) ha vinto numerosi premi in America ed è stato tradotto in diverse lingue, ispirando anche dei documentari. Raccontami di un giorno perfetto (DeAgostini, 2015) ha vinto il primio Mare di Libri 2016. 


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