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Rumblings From Crescent Hill
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Rumblings From Crescent Hill

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Rumblings From Crescent Hill

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NTRODUCTION Standing as a vigilant watchman on the wall of existence, I found an undeniable calling to pen down the thoughts that surged within me as the clock struck midnight, transitioning from 2023 to 2024 with an almost imperceptible murmur. The echoes of celebratory fireworks resonated, yet there was an unusual calm around the farm, a hushed symphony compared to the boisterous revelries of previous years. Lying in bed, I contemplated the mysteries concealed within the threshold of another year, pondering its potential revelations. Having endured three arduous months in hospitals, undergoing operations and rehabilitation in the crucible of 2023, I found myself in the quietude of my bed, having narrowly evaded the clutches of death. I had earnestly prayed for an end, but both God and family intervened, denying me the solace of death. Reflecting on the past trials and tribulations, I discovered gratitude in the resounding "no" that echoed through my moments of despair. However, the role of a watchman is not to succumb to slumber or bask in retrospection; rather, it is a divine summons to a higher purpose. As I lay there, the clock ticking towards midnight, I sensed a divine imperative, a calling beyond the tranquility of the moment. Having skirted the edges of mortality thrice before the tumultuous year of 2023, I recognized a greater mission unfolding. Thus, this book emerges as a testament to that calling. Residing on Crescent Hill, a humble farm in Central Texas atop a hill, I perceive the world from this vantage point, offering insights into the impending changes. It is a chronicle of what lies ahead, a forewarning of the looming transformation that awaits us. Amidst the tranquility of Crescent Hill, I find myself compelled to address the imminent shift in epochs. While the forthcoming era promises a brighter dawn, it also portends considerable tribulation for humanity. The journey towards that utopian horizon is fraught with challenges, and though the prospect of peace is within reach, it remains elusive, shackled by the unprepared will of mankind. As the clock ticks away, the narrative unveils with a profound assertion: "What man won't do, The Universe Will." This could have been the title itself, encapsulating the essence of the book. Delving into the integration of universal cycles and human endeavors over the next seven years, the narrative begins by elucidating the cyclical nature of the universe, drawing parallels with the seasons—life's perpetual cycle of growth, fruition, decay, and renewal. In this exploration, the reader is invited to comprehend the intricate dance of cosmic rhythms, laying the groundwork for a profound understanding of the subsequent revelations. Life, much like the changing seasons, persists until it doesn't—a cyclic journey that this book seeks to unravel.
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